Pelvic Floor Exercises during Pregnancy / Altamayuz physiotherapy center

المجموعة الأم: الأخبار

The performance of pelvic floor exercises during and after pregnancy can decrease or diminish stress urinary incontinence in pregnant women, both before and after delivery. During pregnancy, increasing pressure is put on pelvic floor muscles. This is due to pregnancy hormones and the increasing weight of the baby. As the pelvic floor bears weight for a long time the muscles or tissues become overstretched and weak. Research shows that pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy makes it less likely that you will leak urine (be incontinent) after birth. It's therefore important to exercise pelvic floor muscles regularly. During pregnancy, and more importantly during birth, the pelvic floor muscles help rotate the baby's head into the correct birth position and support the weight of your growing uterus.

Resuming pelvic floor muscle exercises as soon as possible after a normal vaginal birth will help to reduce any swelling and speed up the healing process. If you have had stitches you may wish to start the exercises lying down and work your way up to doing them whilst sitting. Try to do this four to five times per day. Once your baby is feeding well you may find that this is a good time to practice your exercises. If you give birth by caesarean or required the assistance of forceps or vacuum, start your pelvic floor muscle exercises once any urinary catheter has been removed and you are passing urine normally. With these exercises, quality is better than quantity: it's much better to do a few good squeezes at a time than lots of squeezes incorrectly.


مركز التميز للعلاج الطبيعي

للمزيد من المعلومات الاتصال بمركز التميز للعلاج الطبيعي 

الدوار الرابع / شارع المتنبي (شارع مستشفى الخالدي ) / مجمع فيترو الطبي 67 

Phone +962/6/4602022/3 Mob : +962775222904


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