Pelvic floor hypertonicity/ non-relaxing pelvic floor dysfunction

المجموعة الأم: الأخبار

When pelvic floor muscles contract but don’t know how to relax, pelvic floor hypertonicity/non-relaxing pelvic floor dysfunction is created. Continually contracting pelvic floor muscles create blood flow restrictions and an environment for inflammation; this, in turn, causes the pelvic floor muscles to become tender and nerves to fire inappropriately.

Hypertonicity in the pelvic floor can result in painful intercourse, constipation, urinary frequency and urgency, incomplete emptying of the bladder, abnormal pelvic tilt, hip instability, weak core muscles and pain when sitting.  Most symptoms related to pelvic floor hypertonicity can be successfully addressed by a trained physiotherapist.

A comprehensive pelvic floor dysfunction assessment by a physiotherapist will include a full history, assessment of lower extremity and core muscle strength, assessment of lower extremity and core muscle flexibility and an internal exam to assess the tone of the pelvic floor musculature.


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