Mirror Therapy in Stroke Rehabilitation/ Al Tamayuz Physiotherapy Center

المجموعة الأم: الأخبار


Mirror therapy was originally invented to help lessen phantom limb pain in patients with an amputation.  However, mirror therapy can also be used in patients who have had a stroke where one side of the body is weaker than the other. The theory behind mirror therapy is that by using a mirror, a reflective illusion of an affected limb can be created in order to trick the brain into thinking movement has occurred. It involves placing the “good “limb” on one side of the mirror and the “bad” limb on the other side; by doing this, patients are able to “trick” their brains into moving the affected limb. Researchers have shown that this “tricking of the brain” actually works – the brain areas responsible for making the weaker arm move become stimulated.


مركز التميز للعلاج الطبيعي

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